Research & Projects
Prof. Tasan-Kok has been initiating, designing, and coordinating several international and large-scale research projects as well as some locally initiated and funded small ones, attracting funding from a range of sources including the European Union, NWO and ESRC.
Research interests
Professor Tasan-Kok’s research interests explore the dynamic landscapes of entrepreneurial urban governance in an increasingly property-led planning environment with a view to discussing new ways of policymaking, planning, and urban development from a constructively critical perspective. Inspired by the scholarship in new institutionalism, regime theory, and regulation school, Professor Tasan-Kok’s Ph.D. and post-doctoral research projects enabled her to explore the complex urban governance dynamics in diverse international institutional contexts. She has spent the last few years establishing new research projects on fragmented and hybrid landscapes of urban governance, mainly focusing on the Amsterdam’s interesting and unique governance system and its sophisticated institutional infrastructure. She added new dimensions to the understanding of entrepreneurial urban governance by researching coalitions between property industry actors and public sector decision-makers through regulations, organisational structures and contractual deals.
Research Projects
What Is Governed in Cities?
Residential Investment Landscapes and the Governance and Regulation of Housing Production.
Parcour Research
Public accountability to residents in contractual urban redevelopment.
Governing Urban Diversity, Creating Social Cohesion, Social Mobility and Economic Performance in Today’s Hyper-diversified Cities.
Contractual arrangements in urban regeneration projects
In a new publication in Urban Studies, Martijn van den Hurk and Tuna Tasan-Kok provide in-depth empirical insight into contractual arrangements for urban regeneration projects in the Netherlands.Urban regeneration projects involve complex contractual deals between...
One and the same?
New publication by Sara Özogul and Tuna Tasan-Kok on residential property investor types. A new publication in the Journal of Planning Literature confirms the limited academic engagement with investor stratifications. Furthermore, it establishes a new analytical...
Fragmented governance architectures in Amsterdam
Entrepreneurial urban governance is a dynamic and complex process, which requires equally dynamic and complex institutional infrastructure. Although the entrepreneurialisation of local administrations received quite some scholarly attention, the extent and format of...
Contractual governance landscapes
Contractual governance landscapes – New publication by Tuna Tasan-Kok, Rob Atkinson and Maria Lucia Refinetti Martins on public accountability.In a new publication in Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, Tuna Tasan-Kok, Rob Atkinson and Maria Lucia...

Urban Governance Research Network
I initiated UGoveRN within the framework of Chair of Urban Governance and Planning University of Amsterdam.
An academic platform
Urban Governance Research Network is an academic platform to build, share and communicate research activities in the field of urban governance and planning
Dynamic landscapes
Focusing on the new and dynamic forms of interactions between public administrations, private sector and community actors in urban development.
It’s all about connections
UGoveRN’s main aim is to connect academics, practitioners and communities who work in the field of urban governance to create an interactive platform to discuss and collaborate research.