A selection of online talks, lectures, keynote addresses and interviews.
Governing Urban Diversity Conference
Here’s a short clip from the DIVERCITIES Governing Urban Diversity Conference detailing my expectations and conclusions from the DIVERCITIES research project.
The DIVERCITIES conference took place in February 2017.
Giving Voice to Planning Practitioners
Resilience Thinking in Urban Planning
DIVERCITIES researchers Ayda Eraydin (METU) and Tuna Tasan-Kok (TU Delft) propose a new theoretical approach called ‘resilience thinking’ and how it can form the basis of an alternative approach to urban planning. Using case study research in Rotterdam, this masterclass lecture explores the concept of resilience and its potential in addressing the vulnerabilities and shortcomings of contemporary planning systems and policies in an increasingly neoliberalising world.

Urban Regeneration without Losers?
I took part in in the Urban regeneration without Losers? presentation, a discussion about alternative policies for urban regeneration in Athens in May 2014. The panel topic was: In recent decades, the dominant model for urban regeneration has been ‘gentrification’, a process whereby reinvestment in run-down city-centre areas encourages the return of more prosperous inhabitants and more profitable economic activities. However, by displacing the old inhabitants and activities, this form of urban regeneration creates winners and losers. The core issue under discussion at this event is whether cities have other models to choose from; could alternative policies bring about both economic regeneration and social cohesion? You can watch the full presentation on the Onassis Cultural Centre’s site. I start speaking at around the 29 minute mark.