Research projects that have attracted funding from a range of sources including the European Union, NWO and ESRC.

Parcour Research


Principal Investigator
PARCOUR Research: Public Accountability to Residents in COntractual Urban Redevelopment. FAPESP, NWO, and ESRC Joint Call.

Total project budget: € 750,525
UvA budget: € 247,610



Project co-coordinator, Scientific Steering Committee member, and Team Leader
DIVERCITIES: Governing Urban Diversity,  Creating Social Cohesion, Social Mobility and Economic Performance in Today’s Hyper-diversified Cities, FP7 Framework Programme.

Total project budget: € 6,500,000
TU Delft/UvA budget: € 752,353



Project co-coordinator and Dutch team leader
SUPER-CITIES: Sustainable Land Use Policies for Resilient Cities, Urban-Net (European funds, national NICIS organisation).

Total project budget: € 776,000
TU Delft budget: € 276,000

Research Center Space and Housing


Proposal coordinator
Research Center Space and Housing (Steunpunt Ruimte en Wonen). Financed by Flemish Ministry of Housing and Ministry of Space (the center was established in January 2007, just as my TU Delft post-doc position started).

Total project budget: € 1,200,000

RSV: Inventory of the spatial development for the Flemish spatial policy


Proposal collaborator
RSV: Inventory of the spatial development for the Flemish spatial policy: neighbour regions and transnational level (Inventarisatie van de voor het Vlaams ruimtelijk beleid relevant ruimtelijke ontwikkeling binnen buurregio’s en op transnationaal niveau). Financed by Ministry of Flemish Government, Department Environment and Infrastructure (Urban Planning Section).

Total project budget: € 188,000

Recently submitted proposals

January 2018 • VICI-NWO: Human face of spatial planning – unfunded

April 2017 • NORFACE-ERA-NET (EU): L4S-Learning for Sustainability: The intersection of participatory governance and bottom-up community initiatives in urban environments (Lead: NordRegio) – unfunded

March 2017 • ORA (Open Research Area) proposal on ‘What is Governed in Cities? Residential Investment Landscapes and the Governance and Regulation of Housing Production-WHIG’ – funded

March 2016 • JPI (Joint Programming Initiative) Europe proposal on ‘New Governance Imaginaries and Transformative Place-making Practices in Cities of Diversity’.

March 2016 • JPI (Joint Programming Initiative) Europe proposal on ‘What is Governed in Cities: The Governance of the Built Environment’.

January 2015 • ORA (Open Research Area in Europe for the Social Sciences) proposal on ‘Development-Induced Displacement: Comparing Planners’ Perspectives (DID)’.

February 2015 • ERASMUS + proposal on ‘Skills for Smart, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (Skills4Cities).

March 2015 • COST proposal on ‘Building Cities from Below – Network for Inclusive Urban Development’.
