CV — International academic recognition

The list below includes invited keynote speeches, invitations extended to me as an expert in my field, and conferences and special sessions that I have coordinated.

Invited Keynote Speeches

Invited International Lecture, Fragmented governance architecture of contemporary urban development, at Leibniz-Institute for Research on Society and Space in Erkner (International Lectures on Society and Space). May 2021.

Invited Keynote Talk, Quiet revolution: New state-market-citizen relations and changing role of urban planning, at Israel Planners Association Conference, Sderot, Israel. March 2020.

Invited Keynote Talk, Rethinking the Role of Urban Planning in New State- Market-Citizen Relations. Invited Keynote Talk at 5th Dortmund Conference on Rethinking Spaces – Planning in a Changing World, Dortmund-Germany. February 2020.

Invited keynote speaker, Utilising urban diversity in a changing policy context through local policy initiatives, European Week of Cities & Regions, Regional Studies Association Session on Regional and urban leadership in an era of globalisation and de-globalisation, Brussels, Belgium. October 2017. 

Invited Keynote Speaker, New approaches in urban planning: Understanding urban hyper-diversity, Trier Summer University, Decolonizing Urbanism: Transformative Perspectives, Germany, June 6-12, 2017.

Opening Speech for DIVERCITIES Final Conference: Governing Urban Diversity, Rotterdam, February 2017.

Invited Keynote Speaker, Governing and planning urban diversity: Social innovation as a coordinated action, ARL International Summer School, Unpacking Spatial Planning as the Governance of Place, 25 August 2016.

Invited Keynote Speaker, Planning for diversity: Urban planning as a tool to deal with complexifying urban diversity, Social Planning Department of Municipality of Antwerp, Belgium, April 2016.

Invited Keynote Speaker, NCRP Public Forum ‘Toronto’s Hyper-diversity: Opportunity or Challenge: How do we build cities where we aren’t just living in the same space, but living together?’ Ignatieff Theatre, University of Toronto, Toronto, May 2016.

Invited Keynote Speaker, KU Leuven Friction Spaces Talks, ‘Political nature of diversity planning in the neoliberal era in Toronto’ Leuven, Belgium, May 2016.

Invited Keynote Speaker, Nordregio Forum 2015: Nordic City Regions in a Global Environment, ‘How can Nordic cities profit from diversity of their population?
A hyper-diversity perspective, Helsingor, Sweden, November 2015.

Invited Speaker, De Staat van de Stad: Living with Diversity in Urban Neighbourhoods, ‘Living with Diversity in Toronto: Learning from Jane Finch Residents, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, November 2015.

Invited Speaker, European Commission, Workshop on Migration, ‘Creating social cohesion, social mobility and economic performance in today’s hyper-diversified cities’, Brussels, September 2015.

Invited Keynote Speaker, WG2 COST Action End Conference, Milano, ‘Governing diversity in Toronto: Power of community-based planning & policy making’ Politechnic University of Milan, Milan, November 2014.

Invited Keynote Speaker, Onassis Foundation Cultural Centre: Urban Regeneration without Losers?, ‘Urban redevelopment for the public interest? Onassis Foundation, Athens, May 2014

Invited Keynote Speaker, ReNewTown Final Conference, From post-socialism towards post-neoliberalism? Challenges and contradictions of planning and governance in new neoliberal cities, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2014.

University of Utrecht, Faculty of Geosciences, PhD Selection Committee, The Netherlands, 2013.

Invited speaker, Kenniscafe Turkije (LeescafeLive): in a live TV show organised by Zeeuwse Library, Middelburg, September 2013.

Invited keynote moderator at Multi-level Urban Governance Conference organised by Grotestedenbeleid, POD, EU Trio, Liege, Belgium, December 2010.

Invited speaker at the Territorial Governance in Europe: Convergence, Divergence or Constancy? Expert Workshop organized by Dominic Stead at the Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany, June 2010.

Invited keynote speaker at Izmir City Congress (organized by the Association of Architects and Urban Planners), May 2007.

Invited guest speaker at University of Groningen, Department of Geography, Groningen, The Netherlands, December 2006.

Invited guest speaker at PRATT Institute workshop, New York, USA, October 2006.

Invited Expert

Invited Panel Member, Karlskrona UNESCO world heritage day, Karlskrona, Sweden. July 2018.

Invited Expert, NWO (Dutch Scientific Council) Research Talent Commission. The Hague, The Netherlands. 2016-2017.

Invited Scientific Commission Member, NWO (Dutch Scientific Council). Trans Atlantic Platform Commission, Ottawa, Canada. May 2015.

Invited Scientific Expert, Israel Science Foundation (ISF). 2014-2017.

Invited Scientific Evaluator, University of Copenhagen, Department of Human Geography. March 2014.

Invited Scientific Commission Member, NWO (Dutch Scientific Council). Joint commission with FAPESP (Brazilian Scientific Council) and ESRC (British Scientific Council) for Sustainable Urban Development, Sao Paulo, Brazil. February 2014 (ongoing invitation).

Local Scientific Committee Member, AESOP Congress 2014 Utrecht-Delft. May 2013.

Invited Expert (by Belgian representation to European Commission) for Multi-Level Governance strategy, (Ministry of Big Cities Policy, POD) Belgium. 2010-2011.

Invited Scientific Committee Member to Joint Programming Initiative (JPI)-Urban Europe, NWO, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. February 2011.

Invited Member COST Action A26 (Cities between cohesion and competitiveness) Member (Belgian representation). 2007-2009.

Conference & Special Session Organisation

Special session: Privatisation, the New Contractualism and the Governance of Contemporary Cities, co-organiser with Mike Raco and Martijn van den Hurk, AAG (Association of American Geographers), 5-9 April 2017, Boston, USA.

Special session: Social movements and urban planning: The learning gap, co-organiser with Ayda Eraydin and Basak Demires-Ozkul, AAG (Association of American Geographers), 22-26 April 2015, Chicago, USA.

Special session: Governing urban diversity: New challenges for urban policy, co-organiser (with Ronald van Kempen, Mike Raco and Gideon Bolt), AAG (Association of American Geographers), 8-12 April 2014, Tampa, USA.

Special session: Resilient Cities: Concepts, Planning, Actions, organiser, AAG (Association of American Geographers), on Resilient Planning: Concepts, Substance, Actions, 9-13 April 2013, Los Angeles, USA.

Co-track leader (together with Andreas Faludi and David Evers): European Territorial Cooperation and Policy, AESOP (European Schools of Planning) conference, 12-15 July 2012, Ankara, Turkey.

Special session: Neoliberal Planning, Crisis, Contestation and Credible lternatives, co-organiser (with Guy Baeten) on, AAG (Association of American Geographers) Annual Meeting, 22-26 February 2012, New York, USA.

Special Session: Sustaining Success? New Urban Strategies in the aftermath of the Credit Crunch, organised with Mike Raco, RGS Conference, London 28 August-2 September 2010.

Special Session: Sustainable urban land-use policies for resilient cities, organised with Ayda Eraydin and Dominic Stead, AESOP Conference, Helsinki 7-10 July 2010.

Special Session: Third way urban policy: Land and property markets, instruments and regulation, organised with Guy Baeten, at AAG Conference Boston MA, HBE, 2008.

Special Session: Fixity and flow: International waterfronts network workshop, organised with Gene Desfor and Jennefer Laidley), at AAG Conference, San Francisco CA, 2007.

International Conference: New concepts and approaches for Urban and Regional Policy and Planning, Scientific Steering Committee with Louis Albrechts, Frank Moulaert, Louis Albrechts, Frank Moulaert, Serena Vicari and Jef Van den Broeck, 2007.

Special Session: Third way urban policy: Land and property markets, instruments and regulation, organised with Guy Baeten, at AAG Conference, Boston MA, 2008.





