Prof. Dr. Tuna Taşan-Kok holds the position of Chair of Urban Planning and Governance at the University of Amsterdam. Tuna has wide-ranging knowledge and experience in the fields of urban social geography and urban planning and has worked for several high-ranking international organisations with connections to extensive international research networks, with whom she actively collaborates. She is interested in analysing urban transformation from different angles of social geography and spatial planning

Click here to read Prof. Dr. Tuna Taşan-Kok’s extended biography.


Tuna Taşan-Kok’s research mainly focuses on themes of urban governance, property-led urban development dynamics, and spatial organisation through social relations.

Research grants

Tuna Taşan-Kok has initiated, coordinated, and implemented several internationally and locally funded research projects and has attracted significant research funding including a prestigious multi-million EU grant (FP7 project DIVERCITIES). Other international  grants include Urban Europe, Euronet among others and local grants include those from NWO and FWO. Tuna’s current research funding is approaching €10 million, of which more than € 1.5 million is directly generated for the academic organisations she worked for.

Total funding (€ millions)

Projects funded


Tuna has designed, coordinated and taught courses at diverse levels (BA, Masters and PhD) both in the disciplines of urban planning and social geography. She has supervised numerous PhD and Masters thesis. She founded, coordinated and taught a full curriculum of Human Geography Track at BA level, designed several introduction courses in Urban Planning; and invited to numerous PhD or graduate schools across Europe to teach. She is experienced in building academic teams and managing groups of researchers. She is invited to numerous invited keynote talks, guest lectures, award and grant committees around the globe.

Publications & International Recognition

Tuna has published widely including international peer-reviewed articles in distinguished academic journals: International Urban and Regional Studies; Antipode; Regional Studies, Journal of Economic and Social Geography; and European Planning Studies. Tuna has been contracted by prestigious academic publishers Springer and Routledge to produce several books and has been commissioned by the European Union to publish policy recommendation handbooks serving wider international policy networks.



University of Utrecht (The Netherlands). Ph.D. in Social Geography (2004)


Middle East Technical University (METU) (Turkey). M.Sc. in Regional Planning (Distinction) (1996)


Dokuz Eylul University (DEU) (Turkey). B.A. in Urban and Regional Planning (Summa cum laude) (1992)

Professional affiliations


Association of American Geographers (AAG)


Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP)


Turkish Urban and Regional Research Network (KBAM), founding member



Turkish (mother tongue)


English (excellent)


Dutch (advanced)


Polish and Hungarian (basic)
