– Professional experience

The following is a list of my professional experience with a focus on editorships, peer review work, and work on academic committees in Europe.


European Urban and Regional Studies (EURS)
Peer reviewed academic journal, 2015 Impact Factor: 2.078, 4/39 in Urban Studies. Since January 2017

Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (HBE)
Peer reviewed academic journal, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.810. Since 2000

European Journal of Spatial Development (EJSD)
Peer reviewed online Open Source journal. Since 2014

Peer Reviewer for Academic Journals and Publishers

European Urban and Regional Studies (EURS)
Journal of Economic and Social Geography (TESG)
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR)
European Planning Studies (EPS)
Urban Studies, International Planning Studies
Local Environment, Planning Perspectives
Planning Practice and Research
Planning Theory & Parctice
METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture
Geographiska Annuler

Springer Publishers
Routledge Publishers

Reviewer for research funding agencies


Flemish Scientific Organisation (FWO), Belgium


National Science Foundation (NSF), USA


Israeli Scientific Foundation (ISF)


European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)

Academic Committees

AESOP (Association of European Planners), Chair of Best Congress Paper Prize, February 2017.

Invited Examiner, PhD commission of Jannes van Loon, KU Leuven. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Manuel Albers. Belgium, April 2017.

Invited Examiner, PhD commission of Sofie Vermeulen, Vrij Universiteit Brussels, (VUB). Promotor: Prof. Dr. Bas van Huur. Belgium, January 2015.

Invited Examiner, PhD commission of Bahar Sakizlioglu, University of Utrecht. Promotor: Prof Dr. Jan van Weesep. The Netherlands, May 2014.

Invited Examiner, PhD commission of Burak Buyukcivelek, UCL, Bartlett School of Planning. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Michael Edwards. London, United Kingdom, May 2013.

Invited Examiner, PhD commission of Deniz Altay, Middle East Technical University (METU). Promotor: Prof. Dr. Ayda Eraydin). Ankara, Turkey, June 2011.

Invited Examiner, PhD Commission of Barbara van Dyck, University of Antwerp. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Ann Verhetsel. Belgium, November 2010.
