Luca Bertolini (University of Amsterdam, Urban Planning) interviews Tuna Tasan-Kok (University of Amsterdam, Urban Planning) about her article on the education of planning practitioners “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”: Giving voice to planning practitioners...

Giving Voice to Planning Practitioners
Giving Voice to Planning Practitioners
Luca Bertolini (University of Amsterdam, Urban Planning) interviews Tuna Tasan-Kok (University of Amsterdam, Urban Planning) about her article on the education of planning practitioners “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”: Giving voice to planning practitioners in Planning, Theory and Practice, Volume 17, 2016.
Giving Voice to Planning Practitioners
Governing Urban Diversity Conference
Here’s a short clip from the DIVERCITIES Governing Urban Diversity Conference detailing my expectations and conclusions from the DIVERCITIES research project.MORE POSTS